Installing Shipping Container CX 44 Panel in less than 12 minutes!! An actual quote from one of our customers, "it was to good to be true, there has got to be a catch." So to illustrate our point of view we are producing a series of Stick-Stack-Done how too videos. Telling people how great it is, that is the hard part. Product design seems to be the easy part. It is not an easy thing to introduce a new concept or product. Last year we launched the CX44 insulation panel, dedicated specifically for shipping container construction. Results are pr esented for sway frames under different load conditions.We just wanted to make insulating a shipping container easy, "DIY" easy. The design va riables - including joint properties - are discrete. Present work deals with the effects of joint flexibility to the optim al design problem. The structural model is formulated as a combination of 3D quadratic beam elements and linear torsional springs. In order to capture the changes in th e nodal force and moment distribut ion in terms of joint flexibil ity, the ANSYS finite element analysis is applied. In this study, a simplified beam-to-column connection is presented which was specified in EC3 Annex J. The effect, at the global a nalysis stage, of having semi-rigid joints instead of rigid or pinned jo ints will be to modify not only the displacements but also the distribution of the internal forces in the structure. The mome nt and relative rotation are related through a constitutive law which depends on the joint properties. In a frame with semi-rigid joints the loading will create both a bending moment a nd a relative rotation between th e connected members. Recent limit state specifications permit the concept of semi-rigid connection of the individual frame members in the structural design. Conventionally, the anal ysis of frame structures is based on the assumption that all connections are either frictionless pinned or fully rigid. The frame el ements are constructed from a predetermined rang e of section profiles. In this paper, a genetic algorithm is pr oposed for discrete minimal we ight design of steel planar frames with semi-rigid beam-t o- column connections.