
What is the mathematical equation to calculate a viscosity index
What is the mathematical equation to calculate a viscosity index

Crandall as a generalization of the classical concept of what is meant by a 'solution' to a partial differential equation (PDE).

what is the mathematical equation to calculate a viscosity index

Interested in determining what your Renolds number is? Check out the Reynolds number calculator below.In mathematics, the viscosity solution concept was introduced in the early 1980s by Pierre-Louis Lions and Michael G. This again assumes that the liquid sample passing through the flowcell is heterogeneous and free of particulate matter or other contaminants.

what is the mathematical equation to calculate a viscosity index

Thus measurement of the sample liquid should result in high-quality spectra. Re= 0.53 m/s * 0.010922m / 0.000001 m 2/s ≈ 4500īecause a Re of 4500 is greater than 3000, we can be confident that the flow through the optical beam of the flowcell is turbulent. Now applying this value into equation 1 with the tabulated value for viscosity we see that: If we assume the flow rate through the inner 0.43-inch pipe diameter (1/2 inch OD pipe) is 3.0 L/min, then we get:įluid Velocity = (4*3(L/min)) / (3.14*(0.010922m)) = 0.53 meters per second Calculating the Reynolds Number for Ethanol. Our 10 mm pathlength Multipurpose Flowcell has an approximate internal surface area of 9.37×10 -5 m 2. To calculate the linear velocity of the fluid we use equation 2, shown below. *To achieve laminar flow Re 3000 Relating the Flow Rate to the Fluid Velocity. This is achieved by relating the kinematic viscosity of the fluid, diameter of the pipe, and the linear speed or flowrate of the liquid sample. The Reynold Number (Re) is a mathematical equation helps to determine if the flow in the pipe is Laminar Flow or Turbulent Flow. For example, 100% ethanol at 25C has the following known properties. For most fuel and other liquids, fluid dynamic values have already been tabulated. The kinematic viscosity of a fluid is the ratio of the viscosity of the fluid to the fluid’s density. This may be referred to as the absolute or dynamic viscosity of the liquid.

what is the mathematical equation to calculate a viscosity index

The classic example is molasses which is thicker and thus has a higher viscosity than water. Said another way, viscosity is the thickness of the fluid. The textbook definition of viscosity is the resistance of the fluid to flow or deform. Additionally, if the flow has particulates, bubbles, or mixed phases which will vary the chemical composition and index of refraction during the measurement period, then the NIR measurement will not be stable. Flowrate alone cannot be determined without understanding the fluid dynamics such as the kinematic viscosity and the diameter of the pipe passing through the flowcell.

what is the mathematical equation to calculate a viscosity index

The flow can either be smooth and laminar or turbulent. To achieve stable Near Infrared Spectroscopy readings, a steady flow of fluid must be passing through the optical beam during the measurement. The question of flow rate cannot be answered without more information regarding the sample.

What is the mathematical equation to calculate a viscosity index