Someone suggested me that it is possible to do it better than my way. Exposure to implementing or integrating with enterprise scale packages. I read some principles of design patterns how to organize application that it will be flexible as much as possible but it seems I need more experience in design area. Exposure to Supply Chain domain areas like inventory management, supply planning. I don't know how to implement elegant class which will work with rental transactions and will know what items have inventory. In general, I'm not sure in RentalStore class which implements connections to the Inventory and RentalTransactions classes. Inventory and RentalStore class generates some fake records for presentation.Ĭould you please review my app and offer some tips or optimization tricks? If a customer accepts terms than rent transaction is executed successfully.ĭata is not persisted anywhere, data exists in runtime. After the price is calculated for this rent transaction than customer is presented terms where he/she has a choice to accept or reject them. The price for rent calculated automatically based on rent days, video type. Java MYSQL Net Beans POS inventory System Full Project -with Source code, inventory management system,inventory management system examples ,inventory manag.

Inventory has 3 types of films: Old, New, Regular. Inventory can add/delete/change and receive all videos. The application describes the following tasks: import need some help in working "Video Rental Store" application design optimization.

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I want it to remove item at the given index and return the removed item. The data processed in this study is transaction activity data for January and February 2022 to determine the amount of inventory that. The source code and files included in this. The system is designed using the JAVA Programming Language. Hi guys I am making an inventory program and I am having trouble with the stockItem remove method. The following Java project contains the java code java examples used for Inventory Management System in Java.